Dinar Daily NEWS Blog – November 4th

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Iraqi Dinar/Dollar auction 11-03-16 (most recent listing)

Currency Auctions Announcement No. 3311

This daily currency auction was held in the Central Bank of Iraq on the 11-03-2016

The results were as follows:

Number of banks 32
Number of remittance companies 15
Auction price selling dinar / US$ 1182
Auction price buying dinar / US$ —–
Amount sold at auction price (US$) 146,853,903
Amount purchased at Auction price (US$) —–
Total offers for buying (US$) 146,853,903
Total offers for selling (US$) —–

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How Long Do Politicians Have to Keep on Promising Heaven and Delivering Hell Before People Catch On and Stop Getting Swept Away by Rhetoric? – Thomas Sowell

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Central Bank: the deletion of zeros in early 2017



1.adraj Iraqi dinar within the global currency basket and handle it officially the world ‘s stock exchanges and financial markets.

2.amkanah held economic agreements to handle the national currency as Iraq could hold Order dollar instead dinar when the contract to build two production lines deals agreements or transactions Stirad goods this will cover a very large part of the foreign remittances that are squandering of national wealth from foreign exchange.

3.illt trading allows dealing in Iraqi dinar in the Iraqi market and not rely on foreign and squandered currencies and Bosrtha transfer abroad by the private and public sector, which is the sovereign wealth dissipated abroad a small, non – essential positions and luxury in Iraq at the time need this wealth of storage as a reserve.

4.seetm rid of manipulating market currency exchange and finish the so – called auction sell the currency , “” burning oven dollar “”

5.satoagaf work corrupt suspicious of banks and their agents and Smaserthm “” contractor and investor cartoons ”

6.seetm capping the highest amounts transferred abroad of currency the dollar and the euro and the yen sterling and the yuan exchange – active and other pound to ensure that no smuggling the vast majority of trades of currency smuggling.

The Iraqi Central Bank Governor said the project to delete the zeros will be implemented in the beginning of 2017, indicating that the bank began to develop the first steps of the project.

He said: ” the purpose of deleting three zeros from the Iraqi currency is to support the Iraqi dinar and make it a competitor of foreign currency”, returned him as “this strategic project will serve the country ‘s economy if will be inclusion of the Iraqi dinar in the global basket of currencies in the vital world stock markets. ”

He added that” the Bank is working on mechanisms for the implementation of this project is expected to start at the beginning of 2017 , “noting that” the central bank began the first steps of the project through the selection of the designs , companies and the country that will be the currency printing. ”

He pointed out that” the new currency entry does not mean the destruction of ancient coins, but will continue to trade for about ten years , “pointing out that” this period will enable the central bank to withdraw the old currency in accordance with the dynamics and mechanics in order to preserve liquidity In the market ”


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wmawhite (Dinar Guru) –   …keep in mind, that the large notes will be needed in the market place until the prices of goods decrease…but the prices will not decrease until the value of the currency buying the goods increases in value significantly.  So, when you are told the delete the zeros project will result in the need for the 50, 100 and 200 IQD notes, then you can assume that there is a change in the value coming soon.  The smaller notes will coincide with the larger notes for up to ten years.  The most important part of their statements is that the 50, 100 and 200 is expect either by 2017 or the beginning of 2017…and in order for the 50, 100 and 200 notes to work…and change in the value must occur.   [post 2 of 2]

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wmawhite (Dinar Guru) –   Article:   “Iraqi monetary system enhanced the currency of a new dinars”  This is what the Central Bank said two and a half weeks ago…”He noted that” the introduction of new currency does not mean the destruction of ancient coins, but it will continue to trade to about ten years, “pointing out that” this period will enable the central bank to withdraw the old currency in accordance with the mechanics will maintain market liquidity.”  …ancient coins…(coins/notes)… i.e. the notes you have today.   The notes the citizens currently have will be accepted for 10 years.  [WHICH IS THE SAME NOTES THAT WE HAVE.]  In order for those smaller notes to be put into circulation/market place, the value must change.  If the value changes then something will change with the peg as well as the auctions.  In other words…these are all tied together…that is why it is referred to as a “project”.   [post 1 of 2….stay tuned]

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Expectations approve the budget before the end of the year

Expectations approve the budget before the end of the year
BAGHDAD / Sabah – predicted the financial advisor to the prime minister appearance of Mohammed Saleh approve the budget year 2017 before the end of this year.

Saleh said in a statement »Sabah»: The «2017 budget will amount to more than 100 trillion dinars », adding that« the budget will be approved before the end of the year , after parliament completed its first reading. » Saleh added that « the new budget, not much different in the paragraphs from the current year ‘s budget, with a few differences, but the new thing which is that it represents a transition from a war economy to a peace».

And Saleh , said that « the budget next year will enter another stage is stage construction and reconstruction and convert a lot of military expenditures to the construction costs and progress, and so it ends to serve a new stage in the life of Iraq ».

the Prime Minister Haider al – Abadi said at a news conference on Tuesday, received the board of the Federal budget for 2017 , the House of Representatives, as pointed out that The government reconsidered some of the paragraphs of the budget that has been reduced spending and reduce the deficit significantly by 50 percent.

as Salih stressed that «Iraq also discussed with the international Monetary Fund for the budget year 2017 and installed in terms of expenditure and income and places of spending Exchange», indicating that « the discussions included some addressed simple adjustments upon the agreement, especially with regard to reducing the deficit to 50 percent ».
he pointed out that« the first draft in which the deficit was 34 trillion dinars, while the deficit after the amendment amounted to half of this amount ».



BGG (Dinar Guru) –    […I’ve read that Iraq is on the white list and some say they aren’t. What is correct?]  That is likely a “process” they are in the middle of…value is likely nearer the end – but they MUST have international support…without international support who is there to “accept” their currency?

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OPEC: Iraq, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait have 30% of the oil reserves in the world

OAPEC - Iraq Saudi Arabia and Kuwait have 30 percent of the oil reserves in the world

OAPEC – Iraq Saudi Arabia and Kuwait have 30 percent of the oil reserves in the worldBAGHDAD / Baghdadi News / .. diagonals of Arab Petroleum Exporting Organization, confirmed (OAPEC), said Sunday that oil reserves in Saudi Arabia and the Republic of Iraq and Kuwait at about 511 billion barrels indicating that it represents about 30 percent of total world oil reserves.

The (OAPEC) in a report I followed / Baghdadi News /, that “the world’s total proven oil reserves estimated at 697.1 trillion barrels at the end of 2015,” indicating that “the proven oil reserves in the members of the Organization Countries (OAPEC) estimated during the same period estimated at 6.701 billion barrels account for about 3.41 percent of the total global oil reserves. ”

It pointed out that “since mid-2014 has been postponed to pump about 222 billion US dollars of capital investment and development operations for about 2.4 million barrels of oil equivalent per day of maximum production capacity,” pointing out that “this could lead in the long term to a reduction in the supplies and a rise in prices. ”

The organization stressed that “the average oil production in the Member States of the Organization of OAPEC amounted to about 27 million barrels per day in 2015, the problem of 5.29 percent of the world’s total oil production,” pointing out that “the International Energy Agency predicts that global oil production up to 4.100 million barrels per day by 2040 and that oil production up to the seven Arab countries (Algeria, Iraq, Kuwait, Qatar, Libya, Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates) to 3.35 million bpd, accounting for about 2.35 percent of the total global output in 2040 “.anthy 21 / t




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Bastions of corruption: Auction currency in Iraq

Bastions of corruption - Auction currency in Iraq model

Bastions of corruption – Auction currency in Iraq modelOnly in Iraq !! No voice is louder than corruption, and there is no word more popular among Iraqis elsewhere , It has become the focus of everyone’s attention, especially with the spread of international and local documents, to wake up the Iraqis who are tired of killing, displacement and poverty, the largest systematic corruption in history, and of course simple and no one else pays the bill at the end of the citizen.

We’re going to talk, which we began in a previous article about the currency by the Central Bank of Iraq auction, The importance of this auction stems from being an auction for the exchange of foreign currency in Iraq to cover large expenses to support Iraq’s foreign trade and the other hand to help him on a partial withdrawal of local currency markets to help maintain on specific levels of inflation.

Days before the Iraqi Central Bank announced its decision to deny three private banks and 99 banking company from entering sell the currency window, for violating the laws and regulations on the purchase and sale of foreign currency. It is of course information we’ve published a number of articles and reports on corruption within the corridors of the currency auction, and views of influential figures do not care about the law or regulations.
Many of the documents revealed the largest corruption ports that leaked $ 312 billion through auctions of the Central Bank to sell the currency through fake invoices .. It seems that these documents there will be daily turn of events experienced by Iraq, and because of the evidence of the involvement of figures in the processes of corruption, and recently revealed the Minister of Finance Hoshiyar Zebari, during an earlier television interview for converting an amount of six billion, four hundred and fifty million dollars to account Hamad Yasser Mohsen al-Moussawi, the owner of Bank of Huda, has sources indicated that the amount transferred more than nine billion and has been converted from Hamad al-Moussawi.

The central bank publish a copy of the letter to the sender of the Integrity Committee Algnapeh, and he declared for the lack of any transfer of $ 6 billion and $ 455 million outside Iraq to account Moussawi.

That makes it easier for these people who play with money Iraqis work, parking personalities in charge behind them, thus the field was available to them and their operations, suspicious, and here we mention reports that former Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki to stop behind characters like; Hamad al-Moussawi, which had a long history at the central bank operations and money laundering, and sources indicated Maliki defend the innocence of al-Musawi, who is one of the closest merchants Menh, who is also one of the arms of Almaliki, to close all the files of corruption that could topple the big heads.
In the same context, he revealed the parliamentary finance committee member Majda al-Tamimi that banks managers benefit from currency auction of the Central Bank of the value range between 300 to 400 million dollars a month.

She pointed out that «the state reserves of foreign currency has greatly decreased as a result of leakage of funds to the pockets of their recipe Balvasudain» In addition to the presence of 20 defendants in these cases, some degree Bank Chairman.

As himself links Centre for Research and Strategic Studies in a previous article detects a meeting of a number of banks and banking employers in Baghdad about the dollar and the need to reduce its price on the black market, and Hdoa issued a decision to limit the auction a limited number of banks.

As is well known, “it is the security of the penalty offended literature” lost whales auction threatened to issue a decision to limit the auction a limited number of banks, some of whom said they were able to in all aspects of the state control, and the price of the dollar and they reject the dollar sell the asset in their accounts abroad.

Delve into the subject of the currency auction complex and precise, as a result of providing the necessary cover by a sensitive positions in Iraq figures, and it shows through the money that has smuggled in the currency auction, which was estimated at 57% of oil imports since 2006 size, while talking reports smuggling of nearly 200 billion dollars from Iraq to other countries between 2005 and 2014.okzlk talked earlier reports that the central bank in 2009 sold 92%, which entered the country from oil imports. ”

The Iraqi central bank sold more than $ 44 billion in foreign currency auction in 2015, according to statistics published by the bank that the quantity sold to banks amounted to 44 billion and 303 000 799 thousand and $ 966.

We pointed out that Iraq’s debt is today about 77% of GDP, while natural not exceed 60% of GDP, which is an abnormal situation and worrying. Lovers of this case Iraqi debt growth has become a large and Pat Iraq being to countries and donor financial institutions like the World Bank and the IMF industrialized nations seven, currently discussing with Britain to borrow $ 13 billion. However, the current policy has not changed Vomwal people steal by selling the currency in force until the Today.

The economists indicates that the Iraqi borrowing exceeded $ 100 billion, a very large number in a dark tunnel and enter the country because if the interest rate of 2% per year, Iraq will pay $ 2 billion.

Suspicious transactions that took place over the currency auction wasted huge amounts of the capabilities of the Iraqi people, as I have talked reports of wasting billions of dollars by Iraqi officials between 2008 and 2014, during the reign of al-Maliki, who has seen his tenure as prime minister, the biggest corruption in Iraq’s history, however, there was no punishment or account.

While the Parliamentary Commission of Economy announced that the bank presented an appeal to the Federal Court to clear the auction at 75 million dollars a day in the budget, which led to cover the merchant need of hard currency on the black market.

The dollar exchange rate in the Iraqi market attests to a continuous rise despite central bank measures to maintain stability; During the past two months, Iraqi market has seen a gradual rise in the dollar’s exchange rate against the dinar, is currently up to 1300 dinars to the dollar.

The banking sector in Iraq need to re-review and revealing, it has witnessed the sector suspicious operations of hundreds of billions of dollars, in addition to that he has become a hotbed for some politicians and corrupt and needed today to find strict legislation deters tempted to prejudice Bakot the Iraqi people and the wealth of the country, and put in place mechanisms to check the invoices Health and make sure the customer’s account and the fact that the required amounts Do covering imports by the private sector or for other reasons.

Iraqi citizen has been suffering from this corruption, which came on everything and everybody, and even with the government’s attempt to facing this great genie is still a torrent of corruption tremendously not stand in his way thing, thus exploded the street and out of thousands of Iraqis took to the streets, demanding the “cleansing” of state institutions of corruption , but it’s the size of a large corruption and his family, however, continued reports revealing the extent of the disaster that befell Mesopotamia looted its resources and capabilities lost and divided among a bunch of thieves.

The builder of the renaissance of Singapore Lee Kuan Yew had to say ” when thieves walking in the streets are safe , there are two reasons:” Either the system a great thief or stupid people , the largest , ” is still corrupt practice operations scheduled theft over the office and their relationships , and the sight government. .. While the spread phenomenon of begging in the heart of the capital Baghdad because of the deteriorating economic situation in Iraq, while Pat auction currency at the Central Bank of Iraq a big feast and money laundering and the smuggling of the dollar abroad, and here is the responsibility of both the government and the people is very large and fast action to save what can be saved before it is applied to Iraq adage “widened the breach Alratq ” (strikes at the corruption and could not fix).




Letter of Intent, Memorandum of Economic and Financial
Policies, and Technical Memorandum of Understanding



US dollar USD 1182.000 1180.000
Euro EUR 1311.429 1310.773
British pound GBP 1455.042 1454.314
Canadian dollar CAD —– —–
Swiss franc CHF 1217.427 1216.818
Swedish krona SEK 132.326 132.260
Norwegian krone NOK 144.534 144.462
Danish krone DKK 176.278 176.190
Japanese yen JPY 11.385 11.379
Drawing Rights
SDR 1634.895 1634.078

Indicative rates – 11.04.2016


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