Dinar Daily NEWS Blog – November 14th

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Word for the day…


Mrs. BGG

Iraqi Dinar/Dollar auction 11-14-16 (most recent listing)

Currency Auctions Announcement No. 3318

This daily currency auction was held in the Central Bank of Iraq on the 11-14-2016

The results were as follows:

Number of banks 32
Number of remittance companies 15
Auction price selling dinar / US$ 1182
Auction price buying dinar / US$ —–
Amount sold at auction price (US$) 148,425,067
Amount purchased at Auction price (US$) —–
Total offers for buying (US$) 148,425,067
Total offers for selling (US$) —–

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Capitalism knows only one color: that color is green; all else is necessarily subservient to it. – Thomas Sowell

*** Current News ***

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BGG (Dinar Guru) –   Article quote:  “The governor of the Iraqi Central Bank, said the bank began to develop the first steps of the project to delete the three zeroes from the Iraqi currency.”   “…the bank is working on mechanisms for the implementation of the project, it is expected to start at the beginning of 2017.”   This is really the only article that matters…”begins it’s first steps…”  which implies they are on this “1st Q 2017” or before…and make it a competitor to foreign currencies…”  Boom.   “…the beginning of 2017…” as per their phrasing – is like, 49 days away?  I think I can hang in there that long.

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Reasons to delete three zeros from the Iraqi dinar and what it means to delete the zeros from currency

Omar Al-Fateh – The reasons for deleting three zeros from the Iraqi dinar and what it means to delete the three zeroes from the Iraqi currency, the fact deleting three zeros from the Iraqi dinar, the official source at the Central Bank of Iraq, said that the beginning of the beginning of 2017, will the central Bey Iraqi deleting three zeros from the currency of Iraq, Finance Committee also announced in parliament that the central bank will start at the beginning of 2017 by deleting three zeros from the local currency, in other words, that the unity of the coin in 1000 dinars from the old currency will be replaced by only one denarius of the new currency, and so on.

Start procedures to delete three zeros from the currency in 2017

Going on in the minds of many Iraqis that the important question of whether to raise (the zeros from the Iraqi dinar) harm or benefit? Thus why do not we raise the zeros, the official source in the Iraqi Central Bank stressed that the purpose of deleting three zeros from the currency of Iraq is to lift the economy and prosperity to raise support for the dinar, which will be a key reason for the return of Iraq’s economy again in January 2017, the step by Iraq intended to reform the local currency system based on the use of the currency too high denominations, which leads to difficulties in handling and in private transactions accounts, as well as higher prices resulting from the use of monetary units higher categories, which leads to a decline in the currency and declining purchasing power exchange rate the dinar in a big way.

CBI decision to remove three zeros from the Iraqi dinar

Iraqi Central Bank chairman said that the deletion of three zeros from the Iraqi dinar will help in flourishing once again the Iraqi economy and the return of the Iraqi currency traded in international stock markets, the deletion of zeros restore Iraqi currency mind in periods of monetary turmoil and declining public revenues of the state at a time when the expenses increase, resort states often to print more of the local currency, leading to price hikes and the occurrence of high inflation, the need to cross categories with high currencies such as the one thousand and one million one hundred thousand … etc., and with every raise in the denomination as the economy enters the furnace of inflation.

Why delete the three zeroes from the Iraqi dinar

The aim of deleting three zeros from the currency of Iraq is one of the means to control the high inflation is monetary reform, coupled with a change in monetary policy by the old currency high Pfiadtha replacement of a new currency with lower categories so prices tend to decline, but does he have on inflation? The answer is no, because the elimination of inflation is required to follow state moderate monetary policy, an official at the Central Bank of Iraq and stressed that the Iraqi dinar will be the vital currency in global stock markets and the central bank is currently discussing the principles of starting the project and its laws on the beginning of the project of the year 2017 and stressed that the new currency will not have a significant impact on the major currencies, but will raise the Iraqi economy.

Read More: http://www.dinarupdates.com/showthread.php?43595-Reasons-to-delete-three-zeros-from-the-Iraqi-dinar&p=165323#post165323

SteveI (Dinar Guru) –   Article:   “Delete the three zeroes from the currency of Iraq early in 2017”  Quote:  “…the aim of the deletion of three zeros is to support the Iraqi dinar, and make it a competitor to foreign currencies, pointing out that this strategic project will serve the country’s economy, as the dinar will be included in the global basket of currencies in the vital exchanges. He added that the bank is working on mechanisms for the implementation of the project, it is expected to start at the beginning of 2017.”  Now I am getting very encouraged and starting to get excited.  It is finally coming our way.  […do you feel or are you hearing we will need to wait until 2017 or could it just be any day after they liberate Mosul?]  I think early 2017 seem to be what many are talking about.

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Tues nite – Nov 15th – 7:30pm CST

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BGG (Dinar Guru) –   [So what is your take on this latest “Upgrading of the Iraqi Currency” rash of articles?]  …even though this is likely a “second circle” commenter…it sure is nice to hear someone in that sphere talking (affirmation) along these lines…  AND this isn’t “confirming” anything HAS happened… but still adds another log on the “fire” – so to speak…and this speaks to the very heart of the matter for many people… “IS THIS REAL?   …after all this FBI intervention… had this NOT BEEN REAL – there is NO DOUBT they would have been able to attack the veracity of this – as an investment around that time.  AND…I (even for myself) go back to the FUNDAMENTAL DOCUMENTS as my “proofs” for my thesis… The SIGR Report…The LOI’s…All of the IMF Documents.  The EVIDENCE MOUNTS DAILY.   “Affirmation”…

Read More: http://www.dinarupdates.com/observer/


The CBI decision to remove three zeros from the currency of Iraq beginning in 2017

I know the CBI decision to remove three zeros from the currency of Iraq beginning in 2017

An official source at the Central Bank of Iraq that the beginning of the beginning of 2017, will the central Iraqi Bey deleting three zeros from the currency of Iraq.

The official source at the Central Bank of Iraq emphasized that the purpose of deleting three zeros from the currency of Iraq is to lift the economy and prosperity to raise support for the Kuwaiti Iraqi dinar, which will be a key reason for the return of Iraq’s economy again.

He stressed that the Iraqi dinar will be the vital currency in global stock markets and the central bank is currently discussing the principles of starting the project and its laws on the beginning of the project from 2017 and confirmed that the new currency will not have a significant impact on the major currencies, but will raise the Iraqi economy.

Iraqi Central Bank chairman said that this step will help the Iraqi economy booming again and the return of the Iraqi currency traded in international stock markets.

I know the CBI decision to remove three zeros from the currency of Iraq beginning in 2017 through Thagafna source




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The central bank begins its first steps to delete the three zeroes from the currency


The governor of the Iraqi Central Bank, said the bank began to develop the first steps of the project to delete the three zeroes from the Iraqi currency.

Between the Keywords in a statement that the aim of the deletion of three zeros is to support the Iraqi dinar, and make it a competitor to foreign currencies, pointing out that this project is strategic It will serve as the country ‘s economy, as the dinar will be included in the global basket of currencies in the vital exchanges. He added that the bank is working on mechanisms for the implementation of the project, it is expected to start at the beginning of 2017.

He pointed out that the Keywords introduction of the new currency does not mean the destruction of ancient coins, but will continue to trade for about 10 years.

Courtesy of RCookie

Read More: http://www.dinarupdates.com/showthread.php?43559-The-central-bank-begins-its-first-steps-to-delete-the-three-zeroes-RCookie



Letter of Intent, Memorandum of Economic and Financial
Policies, and Technical Memorandum of Understanding



US dollar USD 1182.000 1180.000
Euro EUR 1288.853 1288.208
British pound GBP 1491.684 1490.938
Canadian dollar CAD —– —–
Swiss franc CHF 1199.635 1199.035
Swedish krona SEK 130.107 130.042
Norwegian krone NOK 141.403 141.332
Danish krone DKK 173.179 173.093
Japanese yen JPY 11.078 11.072
Drawing Rights
SDR 1622.508 1621.697

Indicative rates – 11.14.2016

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