Dinar Daily NEWS Blog – Aug. 11th

imageAbadi candidate victory for prime minister

Baghdad – Mawazin News – announced victory coalition led by Haider Abadi, Saturday, that the latter will be a candidate for the presidency of the Council of Ministers in the next government, while he pointed out that the dialogues on the political blocs are still ongoing.

The leader of the coalition Faleh al-Fayadh in a television interview followed by / Mawazin News / “The dialogues are still continuing to form the largest bloc and we believe it will crystallize after the announcement of the results of counting and sorting by hand.”

He added, “Our candidate in the coalition of victory for prime minister is Haider Abadi and of course, the other blocs will submit candidates for the post.”

It is noteworthy that several political blocs opposed to take Haider Abadi prime minister for a second term

Article Credit: Mawazin.net


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Article Credit: Almasalah.com



Kirk H. Sowell (Dinar Guru) –  […care to handicap Maliki’s chances of being PM again?]  Very close to zero. If Abadi is not reelected, it will not be one of the other leading political figures, but someone independent. The other blocs won’t accept a Sadr loyalist, Maliki loyalist, Ameri loyalist, etc.

Read more: http://www.dinarupdates.com/observer/

Why sell Dinar?

Simple answer: I’m selling – so I can buy. I sell so that we can increase holdings and help everyone along the way. We keep what we can afford to. That’s the general concept anyway.

To answer the ding-a-ling critics – we’re aren’t “selling out” – we’re “buying in”. Which all started by just trying to help a few folks in a tough position.

Sometime back we were able to, because of our unique position – help some folks in a big way with their currency. This was when the various Dinar dealers were PUNISHING people on their buy-backs and not passing much on to buyers.

We helped. At a time when the advertised buy-back price was $500-650 per million (depending on condition) we were able to get one man $850 per million x 60 million which helped him save his farm. We didn’t make much ($25 per million – to be exact) – but we helped.

It was then I realized, if we were gonna’ keep this up, we ought to get registered as a dealer… just to be on the safe side. We did.

What does this mean for you? We try to offer the best number for those wanting to get out – and the best number we can for those wanting to get in or add more.

Our Sell price for today: $995 per million


615-509-6256 (ANY TIME – If I’m awake and near the phone, I’ll answer. If not – leave a message. I’ll get right back to you.)

Here’s a nifty testimonial that just came in this morning…

“Hi Tom,

Yes. I got the wire. Thank you very much – Sir. It went just like you said it would. My friend is very grateful and said thank you. He needed money fast to pay a bill so it came just at the right time”.

Stephen O

David M. Witty (Dinar Guru) –  Expectations thatfinal results of hand recount of Iraqi 12 May parliamentary elections will be announced this week.

Read more: http://www.dinarupdates.com/observer/

Surun reveals a meeting between Sadr and Abadi, Amiri and Hakim

Information / The Alliance of Suron, on Sunday, a meeting expected between the leader of the Sadrist movement Moqtada al-Sadr and Prime Minister Haider Abadi, the head of the Fatah alliance Hadi al-Amiri and the leader of the wisdom movement Ammar al-Hakim.

A member of the coalition, Raed Fahmi said in a statement to / information / that “Sadr will meet Abadi, Amiri and Hakim during the coming period to discuss political alliances and the formation of the government expected,” pointing out that “the meeting will lay the main points to form a government.”

He added that “Sadr will discuss with Abadi, Amiri and Hakim points raised by a government program in the formation of the next government,” explaining that “these meetings will be the formation of the largest bloc or go to the option of political opposition.”

The leader of the Sadrist movement, Moqtada al-Sadr has announced, earlier, 32 points to participate in alliances to form the next government, after the demands of legitimate demonstrators.



Kirk H. Sowell (Dinar Guru) – Abadi’s statement that Iraq now needs $75 brent ($67 Iraqi oil) to cover operational costs – I quote it here – is the most significant thing he’s said lately. That’s a break-even price that doesn’t include any CapX, just operational spending to keep the state clunking along.

Read more: http://www.dinarupdates.com/observer/

Mnt Goat (Dinar Guru) –   I am telling everyone the reinstatement of the Iraqi dinar is very, very near. Not today and probably not this weekend but maybe in the coming weeks. Yes, I said itOne [article] …is telling us the CBI is requesting the IMF to “lift all barriers previously imposed on Iraq” on the currency. Can it get any clearer than thisThey are about to do something with the dinar. Then add this together with the news that just came out about announcing the election results next week and that Maliki made some deals (maybe to get a position again in the govt?). This is all a confirmation that this may finally be coming to an end. The pieces are fitting together and are giving us a picture of the coming of the reinstatement of the dinar.

Read more: http://www.dinarupdates.com/observer/

Some interesting headlines…

Sadr Alliance announced the final touches to the formation of the largest bloc

Al-Hakim’s movement declares its support for the war of Abadi against corruption: a story of “corrupt” call will win the second term

Rafidain Bank and KI partnership to provide global services soon


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Economy News Baghdad – The Central Bank of Iraq said on Thursday that the decision of the International Financial Action Organization ( FATF ) to withdraw Iraq from the list of countries under the monitoring and follow-up of international funds has raised the confidence of States in dealing with the financial with Iraq, revealing the transfer of 180 reports to the prosecution during the last period On suspicion of money laundering or terrorism financing.

“The decision of the International Financial Action Organization has helped to acquire foreign financial transactions of Iraq, a great credibility for countries, banks, foreign correspondents and financial institutions,” said the governor of the Central Bank, Ali al-Alaq, in a statement quoted by the official newspaper “Al-Sabah”. That “these parties are afraid to deal with countries that do not have full discipline or control on the fight against money laundering and the financing of terrorism.”

He explained that “Iraq is currently attractive to international financial and investment institutions and once the announcement of raising the attention of all international financial institutions,” noting that “among the indicators of seriousness of the country in this context, enabling him to submit 180 reports of the prosecution on suspicion of money laundering or terrorism financing “He said.

He pointed out that “Iraq’s financial and monetary transactions going in the right direction in conjunction with the development of regulatory systems and laws as all banks are required to establish anti-money laundering units and compliance units, as well as ensure the independence of the money laundering and terrorism financing.”

Article Credit: Economy-news.net


The absence of small monetary categories is detrimental to the stability of the local economy

the morningBaghdad – In the middle of the clothing shop, Ali Ali stopped after he was chatting with a customer of the shop and then went to his small table, which he put at the end of his small shop, and while he was preoccupied with his talk, he opened the drawer of the desk. The local currency of the category of 250 and 500 and 1000 dinars, he said: “The small cash groups have come close to our shops, so how can we deal with customers, especially those who give us big categories like 5, 10 thousand and 25 thousand dinars, really it’s a big problem.”

The expert on economic and academic affairs Dr. Hilal al-Taan said that the existence of small monetary groups leads to a drop in prices, unlike the large groups, which lead to an increase in inflation and high prices, especially with the categories of 25 and 50 thousand dinars.

It is known that any economy in which small groups of cash coins disappear leads to the rule of Large and increase circulation in the market at a small expense. A notable absence is not the shops and markets alone suffer from the absence or lack of small monetary groups, but it applies to banks as well, says the bank preferred not to be named:

“We have noticed recently the absence of cash categories of 250 and 500 dinars, as we can no longer provide them and give them both citizens and employees, and that we are equipped with them are very few compared to the real need for them, and no one knows why the disappearance because we did not notice any new edition in the markets and not in banks. This poses a threat to our economy because these categories are within the reach of everyone and circulation easy compared to those large existing such as 50 thousand dinars, so banks had to accept the damaged currencies and received from the citizens.

Director General of the Department of Repair and Storage in the Central Bank Agency Abdul Karim Hassan said in an earlier statement to morning:

“We have instructed the government and commercial banks to receive the damaged banknotes from the citizens and replace them without any fines and to submit them later and in any quantity and banks contrary to those instructions are accounted for, and in terms of currency burned or buried citizen can be delivered to the Central Bank exclusively to be replaced immediately after submission according to certain controls” .

While he is busy arranging clothes in his place, Ali Kamel wonders: “What is the real reason for the absence of small groups? Earlier, we would note the existence of modern currency coins and are being dealt with. Today, the available is only old and almost damaged, To the market and how can a simple citizen to cope with this, which may lead to higher prices of goods and goods?For bank notes – it is customary to print currency outside the country and provide a cover for printing according to a certain vision and Iraq provides this from the sale of oil and perhaps the lack or disappearance of small cash groups is evidence of the failure of the printing process.

It is known that the former system was the process of printing within the country and are traded by citizens in Iraq exclusively. It was not recognized outside of it when the fall of the system, this money (was of) little value and was handed over by the citizens to the competent authorities to benefit them in one way or another, the current (as in – NEW) currency is internationally recognized and has a value compared to its counterpart (BGG ~ this is probably referring to the Saddam era currency).

The Director General of the Department of Repair and Storage that the Central Bank has equipped the Rafidain Bank and Rashid Banknotes and small groups to pay within the salaries of employees, and the bank to sort out the damaged and compensated with new papers, noting that the Bank continues to print banknotes and improve, especially small groups and pumping instead of damaged papers , Calling for the preservation of the currency and accept whatever its status as a symbol representing the sovereignty of the country and inform the bank in case of refusal of banks to receive the damaged currency of citizens.

The Iraqi Dinar

After the British occupation of Iraq during the First World War, the occupation authority introduced the currency of the Indian Rupee as the official currency instead of the Ottoman lira, and in 1931 it was decided to establish a council of the Iraqi currency, which is responsible for issuing a special Iraqi currency. The law No. 44 of 1931, Equal to the value of the pound sterling, and divided into 1000 fils, as appeared in the first issue of the dinar during the reign of King Faisal I on the first day of April 1932, and the banknotes in the category of quarter and half dinars and dinars and five and ten dinars and one hundred dinars. The Bank of the Iraqi currency continued issuing paper and metal coins until the establishment of the Iraqi National Bank in 1947. In 1954, the Central Bank of Iraq was established, which became responsible for the establishment of the Iraqi National Bank – issuing the Iraqi currency (the Iraqi dinar) was through these (banks).

The coins of the fifties, Jamil Hamed, believes that the coins that were circulating in the fifties and sixties of the last century are a form of civilization of the types of monetary categories, as they were different, worth 5 and 10 fils, all of which were accessible to the citizen and easy to get.

Economic researcher Laith Ali Bin said that it is known that the shape of the currency and its effects on the psychological consumer (is great), and this is proved by various scientific studies as increasing pride in his currency and his desire to ration purchase, as well as the need for the coin, which is noted that it did not disappear from trading in different countries of the world. It depends on the existence of parts, for example 350 or 450 dinars and we note that the coins disappeared completely from trading in our Iraqi markets, and earlier had a presence in the past – we used this currency. Today it has been dispensed for several reasons, including changes that took place in the trading markets, as well as the cost and was replaced by the paper, which is now the lady of trading.

The researcher points out that economic affairs in the matter of the decline of the Iraqi currency against the dollar, it may feel that the citizen’s national currency has no value, either when the rise gets great pride by him, begins to maintain and try to legalize the purchase, and with regard to delete zeros from the Iraqi currency. !!!!

There is a belief that this matter has an impact on the psychological side, when they disappear from the monetary currency the citizen will feel the importance of currency and the need to preserve them. In addition, the paper that the currency is printed on must be of the type of luxury, as badness (poor quality) has psychological effects and drives the consumer to think “I need to get rid of this coin, and replace it with a better quality of clear and colored paper”.

Article Credit: Iraqakhbar.com

Post RV Checklist (it’s getting to be that time!! Listen up!!)

Dos and Don’ts of Windfall Wealth:

Treat it like a PowerBall win

– Tell no one, not even family. If you must talk, do so with one who is already in the know.

– Don’t run out & buy new “stuff”. People notice.

– Get an unpublished number and give it out very sparingly.

– Get a tax accountant you can trust to make sure the IRS is satisfied (Certified Opinion is something to look into) and pursue asset protection…

Read Complete List: http://www.dinarupdates.com/showthread.php?18519-The-Post-RV-Checklist-and-Flashback-documents&p=128477#post128477

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