The issue of the Central Bank of Iraq interact and threaten to overthrow the figures of the budget

The issue of the Central Bank of Iraq interact and threaten to overthrow the figures of the budget

The issue of the destruction of seven billion Iraqi dinars from the central bank funds, as a result of poor storage, which was admitted by the governor of the bank last, the dimensions of a dangerous. While officials have begun to open an investigation and interrogate the governor and collect files condemning certain political parties , another is trying to delay the case, at a time when officials are likely to drag influential political figures and figures .

A deputy for the alliance of victory, for the “new Arab”, that “the issue of the Central Bank began, and cannot pass without account,” noting that “the deputies of the Alliance of victory and other alliances began to collect signatures to question the governor of the Central Bank in Parliament , Adults in it “.

He stressed that “parties within the bank revealed to us about serious circumstances in the incident, and the political parties benefiting from them, and we began to collect information and evidence that will reveal large corruption deals within the Central Bank, in support and coordination with certain parties,” noting that ” Political dumping the central bank files corruption for years. “

He pointed out that “the leader of the rule of law, Nuri al-Maliki, will be the first person to come on behalf of suspicious bank transactions, as well as other people working as arms to political parties,” noting that “signatures will be presented to the presidency of parliament during the next parliamentary session.”

And started certain political parties to work to delay the issue of the Central Bank, through the formation of special investigative committees to follow up the case.

The MP of the Fatah Alliance, Haneen Qado, in a press statement, “The next parliament session will be hosted by the Governor of the Central Bank, to show the fact of the loss of seven billion dinars, and the Parliament will work to detect the defaulters and the cause of dumping money, as the loss of this large amount of state funds Management failure “.

“The parliament will form a fact-finding committee, in cooperation with the Integrity Commission , to expose the defaulters and take punitive measures against them,” he said.

The leader of the Sadrist movement Moqtada al-Sadr, has called on the judiciary to arrest those involved in the damage of the seven billion, and hold them legally accountable.

Politicians confirm that efforts to form a parliamentary committee to follow up on the issue is a “suspicious” step aimed at delaying the case.

The leader of the civil coalition, Naim al-Amri, told the “new Arab”, “Parliamentary committees are not a solution, but is a delay of the solution, and we have noted over the previous three parliamentary sessions that the parliamentary committees did not come out the outcome of any issue.”

He stressed that “the formation of the Committee will not prevent the completion of our steps in the questioning of the Governor of the Central Bank, and we will do our best to reveal the truth, despite attempts to procrastinate,” highlighting that “the issue is linked to the strength of the people, can not be silent about them,

The governor of the Central Bank defended himself by saying that the incident took place in 2013, that is, before taking office, that is during the period of the government of Nuri al-Maliki, stressing that the bank’s governor was then Abdul Basit Turki, who was the head of the Office of Financial Supervision.

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