Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi, dismissed the governor of the Central Bank of Iraq

Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi, dismissed the governor of the Central Bank of Iraq​

Shaafaq News / Informed media sources said on Friday that the Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi, dismissed the governor of the Central Bank of Iraq acting on the links.

The sources said today that information indicating the signing of Abdul Mahdi to dismiss the ties from his post against the backdrop of the recent confirmation of the damage of 7 billion Iraqi dinars water.

The sources added that Abdul Mahdi assigned the Iraqi businessman Ahmad Al-Sarraf to the post of governor of the Central Bank.

The relations had said on Monday during hosting the parliament that the amount of 7 billion Iraqi dinars (5 million 882 thousand dollars) was damaged by 100 percent, due to leakage of rainwater to the coffers of Rafidain Bank, reducing the importance of the matter because the amount is worth only the cost of printing .

The statements made by the Governor of the Central Bank of Kuwait have been widely discussed and questioned about the quality of the currency and the place of deposit, and the measures that the Bank provides to protect local currency against damage caused by any opposition to it.

About two months ago, the governor of the Central Bank Ali al-Alaq raised a great controversy after putting his name on the Iraqi currency instead of signing, in an unprecedented precedent since the establishment of the Iraqi state in 1920.

A month before the end of the government in March 2016, Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki appointed the Secretary-General of the Council of Ministers Ali Al-Alaq as Governor of the Central Bank.

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