Central Bank reveals to “NAS” details of the project “Structuring the currency”

Central Bank reveals to “NAS” details of the project “Structuring the currency”

Baghdad – Nas    The Central Bank of Iraq revealed on Monday details of the project “Structuring the currency”, which aims to delete 3 zeros, to facilitate the circulation of currency.

“The currency structuring project, when it was first floated, faced many objections. It was postponed to be launched again in 2014 and started to be implemented,” said Abdulkarim Hassan, general manager of the issue and treasury, in an interview with NAS today.

Hassan explained that “the draft currency structure aims to delete three zeros to turn the category of a thousand dinars to one dinar, while replacing the thousand dinars in the place of one million dinars.” He pointed out that “the project allows the printing of new categories of dinar and half dinars down to deal with the bank.”

He stressed that “the idea is integrated and there is a comprehensive study and the project does not need to apply (probably referring to the study),” stressing that “this project MUST BE IMPLEMENTED despite the obstacles that led to the postponement.”

Keywords: Nasnews.com

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