Alaq reveals the reasons for the delay in proceeding with improving the investment environment and the private sector
Economy News _ Baghdad – The Secretary-General of the Council of Ministers, Mahdi al-Alaq, on Wednesday, the reason for delaying the move to improve the investment environment and the private sector in Iraq.
Keywords and said, during a seminar held by the Iraqi Chambers of Commerce Union today, I followed “Economy News”, “Iraq arrived in the recovery phase after a devastating war with Daesh, and now Iraq is witnessing the return of displaced people by 70%, while the remaining 30% distributed among the provinces.
He Al-Alaq pointed out that “there are strong steps to support the process of stability in the liberated areas through the implementation of basic projects related to infrastructure and economic and service projects,” adding that “this stage is the four-year stage gives an opportunity for economic growth more broadly, Forms “.
He stressed that “the measures to further improve the investment environment and the private sector in Iraq delayed due to concern about the elections and after the formation of the government,” stressing that “the coming days will witness the actual beginning of the application of these procedures.”