Hajj and Umrah in Iraqi dinars.. Kurdistan companies stop working in dollars

Hajj and Umrah in Iraqi dinars.. Kurdistan companies stop working in dollars

Hajj and Umrah in Iraqi dinars.. Kurdistan companies stop working in dollarsErbil – 964… The Hajj and Umrah Authority in the Kurdistan Region decided, on Saturday, to collect pilgrims’ travel costs exclusively in Iraqi dinars, instead of dollars, like the rest of Iraq’s cities, with the value of the cost determined at the Central Bank’s exchange rate (1,320 dinars per dollar), while giving registrants one week to pay the costs and update. Passport data.

This decision comes after Niyaz Naqshbandi, Director General of Hajj and Umrah in the Kurdistan Region, chaired a meeting with the owners of Hajj and Umrah offices in the provinces and autonomous administrations of the region.

Karzan Stoney – Media of the Umrah and Jujj Authority in Kurdistan, Network 964 :
We directed the Hajj and Umrah offices to receive the amounts from pilgrims for a period of one week from 11 to 18 February of this year, and whoever does not pay the costs during this period will lose the right to Hajj this year.

Hajj and Umrah companies have alerted all registrants who do not have passports, or which have expired, to visit the Passport Department to update their data within a week.

The cost of Hajj for the people of the Kurdistan Region is no different from their counterparts in the rest of the cities of Iraq.


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