Parliamentary insistence on implementing Article 30 of the Budget Law.. What does it include?

Parliamentary insistence on implementing Article 30 of the Budget Law.. What does it include?

Information/Exclusive: Representative Mudar Al-Karawi confirmed on Thursday that there is parliamentary insistence on supporting an article in the 2023 budget that will revive the national industry.

Al-Karawi, a member of the Finance Committee, said in an interview with Al-Maalouma: “There cannot be a strong Iraqi economy without an industrial structure that is capable, through production, of meeting the needs of institutions and reaching markets, and this matter cannot be achieved without objective openness that takes into account support for the product.” directly and opening the doors to marketing.

He added, “Article 30/Second of the General Budget Law of 2023 imposed an obligation on all ministries and government institutions to meet their needs and purchase their requirements and supplies from the local product,” pointing out that “the committee will direct official questions and inquiries to parties that are not strictly committed to this article.”

He pointed out that “the application of this article is very limited and this is a grave mistake despite the availability of alternatives to many materials through the national industry,” indicating that “the committee will study this file and explain the reasons for not implementing it in order to proceed with offering practical solutions that are binding on ministries, government agencies and institutions.”

Marketing national production through ministries and agencies supports the industry and pushes it to modernize its lines in a way that leads to creating recovery and providing more job opportunities.

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