“The schedules will reach us within 10 days.” Parliament Finance: The total budget is 206 trillion

“The schedules will reach us within 10 days.” Parliament Finance: The total budget is 206 trillion

Iraqi DinarToday, Sunday, the Parliamentary Finance Committee revealed the date of the arrival of the budget schedules and their total.

Committee member, Moeen Al-Kazemi, said in an interview with Al-Rabaa, “The tripartite budget included 78 fixed items and does not change unless there is an agreement to change some of them, and that changes and amendments are only on the schedules.”

Al-Kadhimi added, “An increase of 7 trillion dinars will be adjusted in the tables,” adding: “The total will become 206 trillion out of a total of 199 trillion dinars, after observations from the Ministries of Finance and Planning and the Board of Advisors.”

He stated that “this budget is considered planning and cannot be spent completely, noting that the government’s oil and non-oil revenues do not amount to more than 150 trillion dinars.”

He pointed out, “These amendments are scheduled to be completed two or three months ago, and this is not justified, unless serious reviews of the projects are conducted.”

He explained: “Within the next 10 days, these schedules will reach the Finance Committee, which will study them and transfer their recommendations to Parliament for approval and begin disbursing allocations to ministries and governorates.”


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