Allawi warns against “exploding the situation” and makes a political call

Allawi warns against “exploding the situation” and makes a political call

Allawi warns against exploding the situation and makes a political callThe head of the National Coalition, Iyad Allawi, warned today, Wednesday, of the explosion of the situation in the country as a result of internal disputes, while he called on the political forces to hold a dialogue to discuss amending the course of the political process.

Allawi said in a statement received by Sumaria News, “Iraq and its honorable people have suffered throughout the past period since the days of the defunct regime and still until now from many crises and extremely complex challenges. After the fall of this dictatorial regime, we sought with the national opposition forces to build a democratic Iraq and achieve a state of citizenship, but unfortunately the political process was built on false foundations and depended on quotas, sectarianism, marginalization, exclusion and politicized uprooting. Corruption spread in all joints of the state, loose weapons spread, and security and stability disappeared until Iraq became a theater for regional and international conflicts. In addition to that, the intensity of differences and divisions increased. After it was Shiite –Sunni and Arab-Kurdish, the atmosphere became complicated within the Shiite house, the Sunni house, the Kurdish house, and even the Christian and Turkmen house.”

He added, “The continuation of the situation as it is with the continuation of internal disputes is a cause for concern and a great danger that may lead to the explosion of the situation at any moment and to the division of Iraq. Therefore, from a national standpoint and for fear of the situation slipping into what is worse, I call on the national political forces in the country to hold a national dialogue conference in which all political forces, unions, federations, tribal sheikhs in general and representatives of the people’s forces participate, to discuss basic issues, the most important of which are amending the course of the political process, achieving true national reconciliation, abolishing quotas, adopting the principle of true citizenship based on the foundations of justice, equality and the rule of law, and amending some constitutional paragraphs. With this logic, we guarantee a solution to all issues and problems.”

He considered that “a conference like this will be a real beginning to achieve the desired political reform and constitutes a launch pad for building a strong, prosperous Iraq in which everyone enjoys security, stability and prosperity.”

He added: “I am also certain that if this matter is achieved, it will restore Iraq’s international status, through which it will be a key player in spreading security and stability in our region, which is also suffering from serious crises and challenges. It will be the basic nucleus for launching a regional security and peace conference similar to the Sharm El-Sheikh conference, where we took the initiative to hold this conference when I was Prime Minister, which was attended by neighboring countries and Islamic and Arab countries. Such a conference, by virtue of Iraq’s geographical location linking the Arab depth on the one hand and the Islamic depth on the other hand, will certainly work to stop the destruction and reduce the intensity of the conflicts and tensions that most countries in the region suffer from.”

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