What prompted Barzani to visit Baghdad?

What prompted Barzani to visit Baghdad?

Information /Report… The most important question remains about why the President of the Kurdistan Democratic Party, Masoud Barzani, came to Baghdad at this particular time, and met with all the Iraqi leaders in record time, before attending the state administration meeting with the Iraqi leaders, including his rival, the President of the Kurdistan Democratic Party, Pavel Talabani.

Not only that, but Barzani’s arrival in Baghdad coincided with a feverish movement to raise all the pending fateful files, such as the oil and gas laws and the Federal Court, as well as the solution to the formation of the Diyala and Kirkuk governments, as well as raising sensitive issues regarding the problems between the Baghdad and Erbil governments.

The matter went beyond this, which is an attempt to solve the problems within the Sunni house, most notably the crisis of the presidency of the House of Representatives.

An informed source reported that an important meeting including all the leaders of the Sunni political forces is being held in the office of the head of the Sovereignty Alliance, Khamis Al-Khanjar, in Baghdad, with the participation of Masoud Barzani, who arrived in the federal capital yesterday.

The source explained that the meeting aims to reach solutions to resolve the crisis of electing the Speaker of the Iraqi Parliament, and to come up with an agreement that supports the nomination of one person representing all Sunni parties for this position, indicating that the meeting was held in the presence of all leaders of the Sunni political parties and the participation of Kurdish leader Masoud Barzani, in addition to the dismissed Speaker of Parliament and leader of the Progress Party, Mohammed al-Halbousi.

The source said that the meeting comes within the framework of intensive efforts to unify ranks and overcome internal differences between Sunni forces, in order to ensure the election of the next Speaker of Parliament by consensus and in a manner that serves the national interest.

He added that the meeting seeks to reach a final agreement on a single candidate who has the support of all Sunni parties, which enhances his chances of being elected in the upcoming sessions of the House of Representatives.

The Sunni political house is witnessing fierce competition to succeed Mohammed al-Halbousi, whose membership in the House of Representatives was revoked by a court ruling, while his party, Taqaddam, insists on retaining the position, considering that it has the parliamentary majority within the Sunni component.

With all this movement…the real valid reason that prompted Barzani to visit Baghdad so quickly, and at this time, has not been presented.

Informed sources indicated that Barzani’s visit to Baghdad was due to his sense of the great danger that threatened him as a result of the Turkish invasion of Dohuk Governorate, and his attempt to seek help from Baghdad in order to find a solution to this invasion.

The sources told Al-Maalouma, “Barzani felt the great danger, and felt that his dreams began to collapse with this invasion and the loss of all the structures he had built at the expense of Baghdad, which is still demanding billions of dollars from him as a result of his theft of Iraqi oil, as well as his theft of border crossing revenues.”

The leader of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, Ghiath Al-Surji, confirmed that the Turkish occupation forces continue to displace the residents of a number of villages in Dohuk Governorate, northern Iraq.

Al-Surji told Al-Maalouma Agency, “The Turkish occupation army asked the residents of a number of villages in the Amadiya district in the center of Dohuk Governorate to leave them.”

He added, “The Turkish occupation forces continue to strengthen their field presence through the arrival of military convoys, in light of the presence of many bases affiliated with them in different areas of the Kurdistan Region.”

Al-Surji pointed out that “Turkey continues its aerial bombardment of villages in northern Iraq, which has caused the displacement of the people of those areas and their emptiness of their inhabitants.”

The Turkish intervention in Iraq raises many questions and concerns, in light of the establishment of large military bases in various areas in northern Iraq, amid the silence of the governments of Baghdad and the Kurdistan Region.

Türkiye has been establishing military bases in northern Iraq for years, and refuses to withdraw from them under the pretext of fighting the Kurdistan Workers’ Party.

The leader of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, Ahmed Al-Harki, also called for exploiting the presence of Kurdish leaders in Baghdad to resolve many thorny issues, including the formation of the Kirkuk and Diyala governments, settling the position of the Speaker of the Council of Representatives, and the oil and gas laws and the Federal Court.

Al-Harki told Al-Maalouma Agency, “The presence of Kurdish, Sunni, and Shiite political leaderships and other components in Baghdad is happening for the first time, which increases the chances of hope for resolving the political differences and crises that plague the political process.”

He added, “The state administration meeting, attended by the first-tier leaders in the political process, must include the most prominent political disputes and crises, most notably resolving the problem of forming the Kirkuk and Diyala governments, as well as the position of the Speaker of the Council of Representatives, in addition to reaching an agreement to resolve the disputes over the oil and gas law.”

The Treaty of Lausanne ended last year after 100 years, which was the agreement through which the collapse of the Ottoman Turkish state and the establishment of the Turkish Republic were agreed upon.

After the end of this agreement, Türkiye announced its ambition to annex a number of neighboring regions, including regions in the Kurdistan Region.

This naturally makes Masoud Barzani terrified that all his hopes will be lost and that the Kurdistan Region will become an arena for conflict between Turkey and its rivals.
Accordingly, Barzani has no choice but to resort to Baghdad and seek help from the political forces he used to oppose in the past to save him from this predicament.
But this will not happen if Masoud Barzani makes concessions to Baghdad, especially the Shiites, who are the party that has proven to everyone that they are keen on the unity of Iraq, its land and people.


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