In preparation for the withdrawal of the international coalition.. Al-Sudani directs the army to be equipped with an advanced air defense system

In preparation for the withdrawal of the international coalition.. Al-Sudani directs the army to be equipped with an advanced air defense system

Iraq’s controversial new PM-designate: Who is Mohammed al-Sudani?Today, Wednesday, the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Mohammed Shia al-Sudani, directed the army to be equipped with an advanced air defense system, in preparation for the withdrawal of the international coalition forces.

A statement by the Parliament’s media department received by Al-Maalouma Agency stated that “the Parliamentary Finance Committee, headed by Atwan Al-Atwani, hosted the Chief of Staff of the Army, Lieutenant General Abdul Amir Yarallah, and the senior staff of the Ministry of Defense, to discuss the investment and operational budget of the ministry and ways to achieve optimal investment and spending of these allocations.”

The committee chairman stressed “the importance of the Ministry of Defense’s commitment to contracting with the Military Industrialization Authority to meet its needs for local products in support of the nation’s economy.”

He added, “The meeting also discussed the ministry’s preparations and priorities, including equipping the army with advanced weapons and strengthening the air defense fleet with advanced aircraft and equipment, as part of Iraq’s readiness to take over the entire security file from the international coalition forces.”

He added that “the Finance Committee attaches great importance to the Ministry of Defense, as it has allocated large funds in the budget to it, which will enable the army to carry out its assigned tasks, most notably preserving sovereignty and defending the homeland,” stressing “the need to diversify sources of armament so that it conforms to specifications and is from global sources, and keeps pace with global technological development,” calling for “focusing on developing our air defenses to be able to confront any potential external attacks.”

The statement confirmed that “the Chief of Staff of the Army reviewed the development plans and programmes, combat and armament capabilities, and concluded contracts, highlighting the most prominent obstacles facing the armament file, including contracts and FMS agreements.”

Yarallah pointed out that “the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces directed the army to be equipped with an advanced air defense system, in preparation for the withdrawal of the international coalition forces,” noting that “the Prime Minister will soon announce the end of the mission of foreign forces in the country.”

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