We are constantly reviewing the deletion of zeros from the dinar, and there are no restrictions on our balances in America

We are constantly reviewing the deletion of zeros from the dinar, and there are no restrictions on our balances in America

Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq to Al Jazeera Net - We are constantly reviewing the deletion of zeros from the dinar and there are no restrictions on our balances in AmericaBaghdad – The Central Bank of Iraq has reduced reliance on the US dollar in commercial transactions, according to the Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, Ali Mohsen Al-Alaq, adding that the project to remove zeros in Iraq is subject to continuous review and study at the bank.

Countries remove zeros from their currency to revalue their national currency and simplify financial transactions. This is done by removing a specific number of zeros from the nominal value of the currency, making it appear less inflationary and more stable.

Al-Alaq confirmed, in an extensive interview with Al Jazeera Net, that the Central Bank responded to global economic challenges, such as rising energy and raw material prices, by amending some monetary policies in line with the international situation and to enhance confidence in the Iraqi dinar and prevent a sharp decline in its value.

He also stressed that the Central Bank of Iraq increased its holdings of foreign exchange and gold reserves to strengthen the country’s financial position and financial stability in order to enhance its ability to confront potential economic crises. These are the details of the dialogue:

What steps have you taken to address the crisis of the dollar’s ​​rise against the Iraqi dinar and reduce the gap between the official price and the black market price?

The Central Bank of Iraq has created new mechanisms to cover the accounts of local banks with their senders in other currencies (Chinese yuan, Indian rupee, euro and UAE dirham) in addition to the dollar, which has reduced reliance on the US currency in commercial transactions for the clients of these banks, as the Central Bank seeks to withdraw excess liquidity in the economy that puts pressure on the exchange rate and to prevent the exported currency from growing in an undesirable manner.

What is the status of the country’s foreign reserves?

Foreign exchange reserves are the tool used by all central banks to maintain the stability of the local currency exchange rate against foreign currencies, as well as to reduce exposure to external crises by maintaining liquidity in foreign currency to absorb shocks in times of crisis.

The Central Bank of Iraq has a level of reserves that enables it to achieve this stability and provides it with sufficient flexibility to meet the demand for foreign currencies to meet the requirements of the balance of payments and other obligations.

According to the latest data on the level of foreign reserves adequacy, the foreign reserves of the Central Bank of Iraq cover 83.62% of the broad money supply, i.e. covering the cost of importing 15 months, while the global standard rate is 20%, covering 6 months of importing.

However, foreign reserves management faces global and local challenges according to the economic nature of each country and the economic and geopolitical conditions it is going through.


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