Not long ago…

BGG ~ Not long ago I made a fairly long post describing what I have come to understand over the last year or so…

To review: I explained how the biggest impacts on the value of the Iraqi Dinar would likely be…

1) Them using their own currency (exclusively), they are nearing this point now…

2) Them entering some “Brics type” alliance, as opposed to being so attached to the US (note this recent alliance with Qatar – more to follow?).

Take note of Iraq recently not buying US Treasuries. If we (Janet Yellen) won’t even buy our own treasuries, why should they?? We’re such a bad investment, we won’t even buy us.

Finally, note this recent article I put up:

“Parliamentary Finance explains the impact of approving the budget on the exchange rate during the coming period”.

While I highly doubt there is any direct change of the rate contained in the budget – the currency pressures created by the new methods in this budget may well force the currency higher over time.

So aside from all the recent nonsensical hype, the actual news for the future of Iraq is pretty decent.

Hang in there.

Read More:

BGG ~ The point I was trying to convey, is to quit listening to all the “budget hype” and “group chant”… RV, RV, RV, RV.

This may well happen, but at this point, not for any reason that has been previously discussed. Not one.

This post wasn’t about false hope… it was about KNOCK OFF THE BULL$4!T.

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