
Pimpy – Dinar Guru  All kinds of changes happening over in Iraq.  People have been bombarding me with questions.  Let’s go over this because this is something I mentioned earlier and then again I’m the bad guy.  It’s something you should be aware of that it might happen...Take a look at the price of Brent Crude – $74 a barrel.  What is the budget set by Iraq for the
cost?  $70.
  They’re okay but it has dipped slightly below there.  It’s back up above $71 which is good but man, that particular cost per barrel IMO I thought was too high and I expressed my opinion back when they first did it
.  What does that mean for Iraq If they don’t have enough money to cover the budget… they’re going to have no choice but to, yep, I’m going to say it, just like I warned you, devalue the Iraqi dinar.

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