Mountain Goat

Mountain Goat – Dinar Guru  Article:  “AMERICA STOPS THE DOLLAR CASH TO IRAQ: WILL THE DOLLAR RISE AGAINST THE DINAR?”  Remember this is the use of CASH dollar. They will still have electronic transfer from the Feds of dollars to Iraq. But this is a move that I believe is in agreement with the CBI to finally shut down the parallel market for good. This comes on the heals of the issue with Rafidian bank’s continue smuggling of the cash dollars to Iran. This is an amazing article. A “WOW!” article…The US is finally doing it. They should have cut off the dollars off years ago. We would be much farther ahead now in the RV process. But now it is being done. A good sign for us investors. How will this impact the Iraqi economy? Seems to me the US wants the dinar to rise in value and this may be leading us to something VERY IMPORTANT.

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