Sandy Ingram

Sandy Ingram – Dinar Guru  …If the adjustment of the currency occurs…you will have 30 days to set up a legal tax protection plan.  If you fail to do so you could end up paying up to 35% of your profits in taxes including state and federal taxes.  Are you prepared to give the U.S. government close to $35,000 out of $100,000 with little to no way to get a refund for any of the $35,000?  …the moment you earn a profit it the moment you owe taxes…

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MilitiaMan – Dinar Guru   Article:  “The General Secretariat sets the ceiling for the salaries of lecturers and workers within the Food Security Law”   It looks like they are doing what the Prime minister ordered them to do. While they adjust salaries, etc., they are going to restore the Dollar exchange rate to what is was in a previous era. Hence the need to adjust the rates at which they pay out

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Samson – Dinar Guru  Article:  “A new parliamentary movement to restore the price of the dollar to its previous era”   Quote: “lowering the dollar exchange rate should be a priority for the next government,”

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Jeff – Dinar Guru  Article: “The framework called for holding a session next Saturday to elect the President of the Republic”  You know the major important step we’re looking to see is that government formed…I don’t know how true [this article] is.  We’ll know by Friday the credibility of this…

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Mountain Goat

Mountain Goat – Dinar Guru   Article:  “AN IRAQI OFFICIAL REVEALS THE AXES OF MONETARY POLICY TO CONFRONT INFLATIONARY PRICES”  As long as they continue down this road of not allowing the outside to invest in Iraq and superficially holding back the currency from its true VALUE and thus reflect it in the RATE they will continue to have these inflationary crises after crises.

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MilitiaMan – Dinar Guru  The CBI is ready as they will ever be to change the exchange rate. They have told us that the starting point for the Iraq Banking sector for Europe will be in France.  Not the exclusive point but the starting point…Halabousi, Saleh and Kahdimi…[If] they tell us that they have the three in power and are to stay, then the CBI will likely finish the game within nano seconds around the world out of Europe. TIming… Exposure… Activation… All are about to show the world Iraq is back..

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Nader – Dinar Guru   I said there it is, it’s happening.  That means it’s impressive.  It’ll happen now. It’s gonna go fast now.  It’s gonna happen fast.  We counter from here to October.  They have to set up a government and have to apply for a lot of things, especially Forex.  It have to be in Forex…Keep safe.  Keep grounded.  It’s coming up

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Jeff – Dinar Guru  Mark my words once they start voting on the president they’re going to change the rate very shortly after probably within a week.  It will be very close in time.  They only need about a week to form the government…

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Pimpy – Dinar Guru   Article:   “Advisor to the Prime Minister determines one option to reduce the dollar exchange…”  When they say reduce the dollar exchange what they’re talking about is reducing the dollar’s value against the Iraqi dinar which is the right direction...

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Petra – Dinar Guru   Article:   “3 conditions presented by al-Sadr to reconcile with al-Maliki.. Get to know them“.  Sadr just laid down the gauntlet! Think of it, he sends these 3 requirements to Maliki (and the citizens of Iraq) for him to step up and face the judiciary for all the crimes he has purported to have committed. If he does not, then in all the eyes of the people and their justice system, he is considered guilty…What a brilliant chess move by Sadr…

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Jeff – Dinar Guru   Article:  “A deputy Sets The Date For The Election Of The Presidents Of The Republic And The Government”  They’re bundling the election of the president and the Prim Minister together.  They only need about a week to complete both of these steps...Why one week So they can revalue immediately after they do them that’s why…

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Breitling – Dinar Guru   Question:  “You mentioned a potential value to come in between $0.55 to $0.65…but a lot has changed – the price of oil has gone up, their coffers are getting full, they paid off debt.  Wouldn’t that lend support for a higher rate as well?  Up to $1.17?”  No…its value is how many customers do they have.  How much dinar do they have out there.  And how many times is it being used… [Post 1 of 2]

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Breitling – Dinar Guru   Remember they got to compete within their region so they’re not going to have a currency that’s above everybody else’s…the average value of the currencies in the Middle East I think it’s like $0.40 to $0.50.  So what do they want to do?  They want to be able to compete in the region and at the same time grow in other markets and that’s why I say that they’ll start off at $0.50/$0.60 because they can afford that.  [Post 2 of 2]

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Militiaman – Dinar Guru  …The government in place that is Halabousi, Saleh and Kahdimi can, are and will continue in the present state of affairs. The back and forth about seating of the government now is looking to be more folly than anything else…The present government is legal and can do day to day business… They have the authority all taken care of or the deals with FRANCE would not have been done… IMO… TIMING…

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Pimpy – Dinar Guru  What is it 9 months later and there’s still no government.  Nope not at all.  What do we see every week?  We see the same thing – the Coordinating Framework promising what?  That they will have a quorum and they will elect the president and the Prime Minister…[new] elections are coming I have a feeling no matter what…

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Clare – Dinar Guru   Article:  “Central Bank: Paris will be the starting point of the Iraqi banking sector towards Europe

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Jeff – Dinar Guru   Kazemi will be reinstated two terms for Prime Minister.  Look for him to be reinstated on a Saturday.

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Mountain Goat

Mountain Goat – Dinar Guru  We already know the VALUE is not reflected in the RATE of the IQD as alone oil revenues along with the other assets such as minerals, gold, etc, would surely bring the IQD way over $3 never mind the current 1/6 of penny. So, if you are still waiting for Iraq to turn totally capitalistic and build an enormous economy don’t hold your breath, this is not how it going to happen.

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Sandy Ingram

Sandy Ingram – Dinar Guru  Why would Iraq or any other country want to increase their currency value against the highest currencies in the world today?  Why not leave it alone?  The answer is simple.  When a country’s currency value is low against other currencies in the world, people in that country cannot afford certain necessities.  When we look at Iraq we see that they have a unique situation because OPEC has always required that oil revenues be paid in U.S. dollars.  [Post 1 of 2]

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Sandy Ingram

Sandy Ingram – Dinar Guru  Thus Iraq earns in U.S. dollars and spends in Iraqi dinars so they are in no hurry to revalue their currency.  They need to purchase military equipment from France or the United States – they use dollars.  When they need to build housing for the Iraqi people they use Iraqi dinars.  The wealth transfer coming from Iraq is a more feasible wealth transfer but only after Iraq gains control over the overprinted IQD.  [Post 2 of 2]

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Tivon – Dinar Guru  ...We are just about there…the EFSL was not a fluke…It cut through all the BS we have been enduring for all these years. The writing is on the wall. Great times ahead for everyone. We are either days or weeks away. I wonder if the CBI still plans on making a move this week? We’ll see soon enough…

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Jeff – Dinar Guru   The rate change is in front of you right now…you’re waiting on that government but it is done formed and complete they just can’t show it to youeverything happening in Iraq right now is happening around the rate change date.  It’s the nucleus…the formation of the government is revolving around the rate change date.  That’s why they keep kicking the political can…it’s synchronized…and aligns with the scheduled rate change date.

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Mountain Goat

Mountain Goat – Dinar Guru   … a week ago…Mazhar Muhammad Salih, said and I quote-  “Changing the exchange rate is possible, but it requires patience and careful study,” adding, “We need to cook on a quiet fire and monitor prices until the end of 2022, oil prices and foreign reserves.”   To me this is telling us not to expect any change in the exchange rate of the dinar until at least the end of 2022…I firmly believe they are trying to pay off their debts prior to the RV. They already paid off all war reparations to Kuwait- good news! They can also pay off the IMF loan by the end of the year if oil prices remain high – good news!

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Tivon – Dinar Guru  Article “Central Bank Governor : The banking sector is making progress at various levels” This implies that the deadline for August 15th 2022 for banks to get on the new platform is for late bloomers who do not currently have their affairs in order. The CBI can make their move now. Are they trying to get this deal done before August 1st? Seems that way…

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MilitiaMan – Dinar Guru  …The EFSL, it has wide reaching tentacles that allow for the many things to happen during the normal course of the day to day needs of the citizens and their entitlements. One of which is the changing of the exchange rate.

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Clare – Dinar Guru  Article:  “Central Bank Governor : The banking sector is making progress at various levels”   WE ARE JUST ABOUT THERE! IMO

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Samson – Dinar Guru   Article:  “The US Ambassador in Baghdad: Iraq is our most important partner and the cornerstone in the Middle East”  Quote:  “there are ways to achieve the joint strategy; Including promoting economic development and supporting Iraqi sovereignty

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Kaperoni – Dinar Guru  Iraq is in Article VIII of the IMF charter. Wrong!  All you need to do is go to then Iraq, and click Iraq’s Position in the Fund to see they are in ARTICLE XIV!  IMF Article XIV or IMF Article VIII…is only a standing in which the Central Bank of Iraq is graded. Has nothing to do with the currency, the currency is exchangeable worldwide.  [Post 1 of 3]

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Kaperoni – Dinar Guru   Whether or not a country’s currency is exchangeable is whether or not there are restrictions on that country (which no longer exist [for Iraq]).  Many banks though are hesitant as long as the CBI is in Article XIV.  IMF Article VIII in essence is a stamp of approval from the IMF that the banking system in Iraq is in compliance with other central banks worldwide.  [Post 2 of 3]

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Kaperoni – Dinar Guru  Whether or not banks around the world are willing to do business in dinar is up to each individual banking institution.  Therefore, even though Iraq is still in IMF Article XIV, any bank in the world can do business with Iraq in dinars if they choose to do so. But most wait for the stamp of approval or acceptance of Article VIII.   [Post 3 of 3]

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