
Tivon – Dinar Guru   Article:  “Saleh and Al-Abadi discuss completing the constitutional entitlements” …I can’t help but conclude that the EFSL is acting as a fully operational law that is not waiting on any formal political formality other than the activation of certain laws. One being the Oil & Gas Law

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Pimpy – Dinar Guru   Down goes Maliki.  Down goes Maliki...Is this fight over?  Or is it just getting warmed up?  …those audio leaks are coming back to bite Maliki right in the butt.  There hasn’t been an audio leak this bad since Watergate.  Article:  “Because of the audio leaks…A leader in the call calls for the dismissal of Al-Maliki from the party”  Not only is this guy possibly not going to become the Prime Minister but they might oust him from the party altogether.  Ouch!

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Nader – Dinar Guru  I’m still seeing people saying $6.  Six dollars will never happen.  Like I told you 1 to 1 and then the float.  Might go to $3, $3.20, $3.39 max…

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Mountain Goat

Mountain Goat – Dinar Guru  Article:  “CLOSE TO THE SADRIST MOVEMENT REGARDING AL-MALIKI’S RECORDINGS: HE SPEAKS MORE THAN THAT IN PRIVATE MEETINGS”  This appears to have been going on for awhile now. Its about time someone calls him out on it. Now they have the undeniable sticky evidence on Maliki.

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Clare – Dinar Guru  Article:  “The Central Bank will adopt a specialized electronic platform for the purposes of exchanging documents and data with all banks”  IT IS AMAZING WHAT WE ARE SEEING!!!…  IMO WE ARE AT HOME PLATE, BATTER UP, ACTUALLY TWO … SEATED GOI & CBI …TAKE THAT SWING… IT WILL SURELY BE A GRAND SLAM! IMO

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Pimpy – Dinar Guru  Christmas came early for someone.  Possibly some leaked recordings – Al-Maliki making some serious threats about Sadr, his people and his territory.  The kind of threats that if the courts find this recording legit is considered a serious crime.  Maliki could be looking at life in prison or even execution. [Post 1 of 2]

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Pimpy – Dinar Guru   In case you forgot, Maliki has a unique little friend up there in the Supreme Judiciary Court.  Maliki don’t give a crap, he knows nothing’s going to happen to him. He has the Supreme Court under his thumb…I’d be surprised if anything [happens] at all.  Most likely you’re gonna see that the recordings were not legitimate and just let Maliki off.   [Post 2 of 2]

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Nader – Dinar Guru   Maliki – he might get life in prison or maybe they’re gonna kill him…He tried to do a lot of shit.  He tried to do a coup a week ago.  He tried to take the government by force.  He tried to do everything toward Iraq…

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Sandy Ingram

Sandy Ingram – Dinar Guru  Several beliefs are floating around on what the wealth transfer is…Let me make it clear what it is not – No one is going to give us money.  You will need to earn it or gain it through investment… [Post 1 of 2]

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Sandy Ingram

Sandy Ingram – Dinar Guru  There is a belief that poor and developing countries will become more prosperous and their currency value will increase against the US dollar…this is the category of wealth comes from speculative investing which most of you…have done when we invested in the IQD… [Post 2 of 2]

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Tivon – Dinar Guru   They just posted the other CBI article yesterday.  Article:  “The Central Bank will adopt a specialized electronic platform for the purposes of exchanging documents and data with all banks”  …Access to global financial markets? Does that sound like Financial Inclusion to you?  What can possibly be added to this monumental news?  It’s not even 8am and we got this.  Quote:  “...which will allow you to benefit from many services, including foreign exchange and shares trading, and access to global financial markets…

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Kaperoni – Dinar Guru   The recent articles over the last couple days from the advisor to the prime minister is encouraging in the sense that they are working to correct/improve the economy and as a result improve the exchange rate of the dinar.   But that does not mean anything is happening overnight.

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Tivon – Dinar Guru  …What did Al-Kazemi command of his cabinets on June 23rd? To address the USD rate at the earliest legislative session correct? Well what is coming up this week? …the EFSL can not work without a rate change…So what does he request of all ministries this past Sunday? To adjust contracts & wages...

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Mountain Goat

Mountain Goat – Dinar Guru   Article:  “THE PATRIOTIC UNION OF KURDISTAN EXPLODES A SURPRISE ABOUT THE PRESIDENCY OF THE REPUBLIC”   We could be getting very close the conclusion of the new govt. Let us hope & pray there are no other snags...

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Pimpy – Dinar Guru  Until this government is formed, everything is stabilized, it’s going to be a while before the exchange rate has changed…

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Samson – Dinar Guru   Article:  “After the judiciary opened an investigation into the audio leaks, Al-Maliki may face execution or life”  Quote: “If the recording is proven correct according to the judicial investigation, the penalties that will face those who threatened to kill, incitement to civil war, and incitement to attack a holy city, according to the anti-terror law, and the penalty is up to death or life, considering what was stated in the recording is a threat to Iraqi national security and stirs up sectarian strife according to Anti-Terrorism Law No. 13 of 2005.

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Mountain Goat

Mountain Goat – Dinar Guru  Article:  “…IRAQ IS PREPARING TO JOIN THE WORLD TRADE ORGANIZATION”   Does Iraq need an international currency to join the WTO?  No, they do not however, I believe they are attempting to do so prior to becoming a full member of the WTO  Certainly an international currency would make it much easier to trade if you have a currency on FOREX.  Quite frankly, I believe it would be extremely hard for Iraq to conduct major trading of goods and services with the rest of the world through the currency process of the auctions and being pegged solely to the US dollar. The risks would be too high and they know it.  This is part of the White Paper reforms to go to FOREX.

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Nader – Dinar Guru   The only people who can make a decision is the Minister of Finance and the CBI.  No body  else.  No Al-Kazemi.  No Maliki.  No Sadr.  No parliament.  No President of the Republic.  No matter how much power these people got...It’s not gonna be the IMF.  It’s not gonna be the World Bank.  It’s not gonna be all that.  It’s gonna be the CBI.  You have to watch the CBI…It’s gonna happen when the CBI is ready…

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Tivon – Dinar Guru  ...Iraqis will experience Purchasing Power. The International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, the World Food Program of the United Nations and the World Trade Organization all held meetings on the EFSL. They all agreed that this law will open Iraq up to open trade which is the international markets. The EFSL stabilized the markets. They also said that the EFSL will vitalize the economy.

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Pimpy – Dinar Guru  …There are others out there who are making the claims that one of the things that will bring peace to the nation is an increase in the Iraqi dinar rate.  That’s not going to bring peace between all the internal fighting because it’s not about the money.  It’s about the power.  It’s about the control.  Making the claim that they’re going to change Iraqi dinar in order to keep things peaceful there and to move everything along is bull crap.  The last thing you want is Maliki in there as prime minister.  No amount of rate change for the Iraqi people is going to smooth that over…

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Kaperoni – Dinar Guru  The advisor to the prime minister clarified today that the government’s intention to restore the exchange rate is contrary to the truth, rather the government is engaged in fundamental reforms in both financial and economic that would create the desired development…only with the success and growth of Iraq’s economy can the dinar go up in value.

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Militiaman – Dinar Guru  Article: “Al-Kazemi’s advisor clarifies a news published by the official media about the exchange rate change”  Article: “The government is discussing the dollar exchange rate and plans to convert 4 ministries to self-financing”  These two articles are saying what we already know about the exchange rate…now it is setting the stage for the private sector. The private sector is massive.. Total is a French private company that had contracts that were torn up and rewrote in Dinar and not USD. They reduced the Dinar to 1460 years ago already and now it is time to go back to where it was in a previous era. 1190 IQD/1 USD is not a place in that equation. It doesn’t work in a market economy.

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Samson – Dinar Guru  Article: “Shocking number… How much is the percentage of ‘idle money’ in Iraq?”   Quote:  “70% of the money in Iraq is hoarded in homes, that is, idle, and far from the banks that, if invested, would move economic activities, explaining, that “leaving this money away from the banks is a strategic mistake that needs solutions.

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Tivon – Dinar Guru  Article “Parliamentary Finance excludes the existence of a budget for 2022 and explains the reason” They do not need the general budget for this year. The EFSL will take care of everything that matters for the citizens and the economy. And whatever funds are leftover from the EFSL can go into the 2023 Budget. So now you can see they have no choice but to pick PM Al-Kazemi for the remainder of the year into the next. Passing a budget would not make an iota of sense. Now they are forced to play a different game.

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Pimpy – Dinar Guru  So the big question is once the Forex starts trading Iraqi Dinar would $1.71 be approximately the actual rate of the dinar?  ...Let’s just say for the sake of it that this is going to be close to what the actual rate of the dinar is going to be…to get this particular exchange rate they’re going to have to decrease the amount of Iraqi dinars in circulation.  That’s why we hear so much talk about the deletion of the zeros…

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Samson – Dinar Guru   Article:  “Al-Kazemi and his government enter a closed meeting with Biden in Jeddah

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Militiaman – Dinar Guru  Article:  “Alia Nassif comments on the revenues achieved by customs in Iraq”  That 95% oil revenues is going to be batched [matched?] by the borders, liquid natural gas, mining, tourism, etc.. The size of the money flow is going to be staggering. Everyone knows it…

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Tivon – Dinar Guru  I am showing you why we basically have not seen the exchange rate. They need the Oil & Gas Law in place on a constitutional basis in order to maximize profits for the new exchange rate to mean anything for the overall GDP internationally. This is why the 1:1 out of the gate makes sense. Because of the oil price.

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Clare – Dinar Guru  Article:  “Framework: Choosing the Prime Minister during the next few days, and we call for a parliamentary session next week urgent

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Tivon – Dinar Guru  Here is another thing that supports my opinion as far as the CBI waiting to pull the trigger once Al-Kazemi gives the green light. Why do you think he wanted to wait to address the USD rate reduction in the next legislative session? Because the Oil & Gas Law is in the same session.

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